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Healthcare Access

Healthcare access remains a persistent concern, preventing many individuals and families from receiving the necessary medical attention and preventive measures they require. This issue has adverse effects on our society, as untreated illnesses lead to increased hospital visits, higher medical costs, and diminished overall quality of life. To tackle this issue effectively, it is imperative that we prioritize efforts to increase primary care availability. Primary care providers play a fundamental role in ensuring both timely medical interventions and proactive preventive care. By investing in expanding primary care facilities, improving staffing ratios, and promoting the recruitment and retention of healthcare professionals, we can bridge the healthcare gap and make quality care more accessible.


Woman's Reproductive Health

Access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare is not only a matter of personal choice but also an essential aspect of overall healthcare. Women deserve unrestricted access to a wide range of reproductive healthcare services, including contraception, family planning, prenatal care, abortion services, and postnatal care. These services are crucial for women's well-being, empowerment, and the ability to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

By ensuring women's reproductive freedom, we can foster a society where women are empowered to plan their futures, pursue education and careers, and make informed choices regarding their reproductive health. This contributes to economic prosperity, social stability, and individual well-being for women and their families.

It is imperative that we work towards eliminating systemic barriers that impede women's access to reproductive healthcare. This includes addressing issues such as affordability, geographical disparities in services, healthcare provider biases, and restrictive legislation that hinder access to safe and legal abortion services.


My values on education emphasize equal access to quality education for all individuals, promoting lifelong learning, fostering critical thinking skills, and supporting public education funding. It focuses on creating opportunities for every student to reach their full potential, regardless of their background or socioeconomic status. This approach aims to build a well-educated and knowledgeable society that can actively participate in democratic processes and contribute to the betterment of society as a whole.


Legislative Impacts on Municipalities

State legislation significantly influences municipalities, especially those heavily reliant on property taxes for funding education and emergency services. Unfunded mandates and relaxed zoning laws pose challenges for towns lacking the necessary infrastructure to support increased development, whether for economic growth or affordable housing. While rural areas may seem ideal for expansion, it's crucial not to rush into development without proper planning.  We must remember why we live here in the first place.

Our District 34 communities depend on dedicated volunteers from local fire departments and ambulance services in our time of need.  Representation in District 34 must advocate effectively in the General Assembly to address our unique needs and limitations regarding sustainable development. Current legislative representation falls short, often failing to grasp the challenges facing our district beyond a passing glance from the interstate.  Even though we are a small state each town has there own challenges, a broad brush does not benefit all, even when intentions are good.

District 34, encompassing Hopkinton, Richmond, Exeter, Charlestown, and West Greenwich, is the largest land area district in Rhode Island. The region hosts two key regional school districts—Exeter/West Greenwich and Chariho—requiring sound governance and support for educational success.

Our district requires a representative who comprehends our community's real concerns, having local town council experience and a commitment to ensuring our municipalities receive due attention. We need a leader who prioritizes constructive engagement over disruptive behavior, safeguarding our district's interests and fostering productivity. Read More

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